Apples or Oranges, Handwriting Practice or Instruction?

Functional handwriting is a key to both learning and expressing one’s self.  Automatic handwriting skills open doors for children, allowing them to take in, process, and recall new information, and to express themselves through written language.  If you are a parent, teacher, or therapist and you tend to think of ‘handwriting instruction’ and ‘handwriting practice’ as one in the same, check out this post!

Part 1. Understanding and Supporting Pencil Grasp Development: 3 – 6 years

Understanding and Supporting Pencil Grasp Development: 3 – 6 years First off, this first installment of a 3-part blog post will explore  What grasps look like in the major three categories. Why some grasps are more advantageous than others. What ages typically-developing children are using these three types of grasp.