Introducing Capitals First! Blogging about Handwriting Instruction.


Welcome to any soul who is interested in handwriting instruction!  Driven by my passion for helping teachers teach handwriting, I decided to offer Print Path to a worldwide teacher audience in August 2013.  This same passion
sent me to graduate school two years ago so that I could investigate existing research regarding handwriting, to conduct my own action research, and most importantly to use research-based best practices to polish
the classroom curriculum that I have been developing these past 12 years.
It all just keeps getting better and better. As my own school district’s Handwriting Instruction Specialist, it is my job to direct and deploy Print Path to over 270 classrooms, bringing quality handwriting instruction to 4500 children every school year.  I am truly blessed to be able to use my
experience as a therapist,classroom instructor, and researcher to help so many children obtain legible and automatic handwriting while they are laying down life-long motor pathways.
Capitals First! blog features ideas for implementing research-based
best practices to improve instruction, highlight ways to use my products, and
discuss recurring issues.  If you have any comments, or would like to see me discuss your questions please drop me an email,
 Thanks for tuning in!  Thia

Read more about Thia at MY STORY


  1. Hello Thia, I just discovered your products on Teachers Pay Teachers and purchased quite a few. I'm very impressed with your materials. Thank you for making these available. I am also a school-based OT. I am constantly searching for engaging activities and materials to use for my older students who have developed poor handwriting habits that are difficult to change. I'm anxious to try some of your ideas in your Raise the Roof program. Again, thank you for sharing in such an affordable way. You may be interested in visiting my website: Sincerely, Mindy

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